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27 AUGUST 08 -- Insurrection Media Released


Please click here for an official photo from Insurrection.




27 AUGUST 08 -- Insurrection AAR


After action reviews of Insurrection are available here.




25 AUGUST 08 -- Mission Complete


On behalf of Force Command it is our distinct pleasure to report the recent operation a mission success.  A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE ATTENDEES AND OUR SPONSOR FOR THE OUTSTANDING SUPPORT DURING THE OPERATION.  The Military Coalition, the Freedom Fighters and the General Populace all performed above and beyond expectations.  Our congratulations to all of you on your excellence in all endeavors.  Please standby for official Insurrection photos.




21 AUGUST 08 -- METT-T Updated


Information provided in the METT-T has been updated.

The weather information has been updated to reflect the current forecast for the operational timeframe.  Weather forecasts for the days leading up to and following the operation can be found:





16 AUGUST 08 -- Element Command Releases Passwords, Directives and Issues Official Papers


The passwords to access the element specific areas of the discussion board have been released.  Make use of this secure area of the board to get to know those you'll be operating with and to establish your element's SOPs.


Official Papers have been issued.  They can also be found here.  Print them, fill them out completely and bring them with you.


If you are in contact with other members of your element, please check with them to confirm that they have received their papers as well.




16 AUGUST 08 -- Rosters Finalized

The element rosters have been finalized.  Standby for
the release of the passwords for the restricted areas of the discussion boards.




08 AUGUST 08 -- Raffle Prizes Announced


Insurrection sponsor, Midstate Mobile Airsoft has generously donated an M4 AEG, a Green laser, BB's, Tan and Black ball caps, 5.11 molle gear, etc... 

Please show your appreciation of their support by taking advantage of their excellent selection and great prices on the quality products they offer.




07 AUGUST 08 -- Intelligence Updated


A third tactical map of the AO has been added to the IMINT section.




04 AUGUST 08 -- ROE Updated


Adjustments have been made to the Rules of Engagement under multiple headings.




04 AUGUST 08 -- Sponsor Secured


Midstate Mobile Airsoft will be the sole sponsor for Insurrection!  No word on what they intend to donate as of yet. 

Please show your appreciation of their support by taking advantage of their excellent selection and great prices on the quality products they offer.




14 JULY 08 -- Timelines Updated


An adjustment has been made to the Itinerary and the Operational Timeline.




13 JULY 08 -- ROE Updated


An adjustment has been made to the Rules of Engagement under the heading: IEDS & GRENADES.




10 JULY 08 -- Weapon Velocity


Adjustments have been made to the weapon velocity limits to match WNYAL standards.




10 JULY 08 -- Registration Form


We were alerted that there was an issue with the registration form and it has been resolved.




07 MAY 08 -- The Insurrection Briefing Website is Now Live


Welcome to the Official Insurrection Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.  Make sure to check back often as we will continually make new information available.



























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